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Book Club - Recommended Reading and Resources

Detox Diet for Disease Prevention and Reversal

The Raw Food Detox Diet
By: Natalia Rose
Paperback - 270 pages, $16.00 Retail - buy at Amazon.com and save!

Heart disease, cancer, arthritis - all can be attributed to poor diet. Rid your body of chemicals and toxins and adopt this healthier meal plan for life. Enjoy the high energy GREEN SMOOTHIE drink made from organic baby spinach and see how the live enzymes and chlorophyll in raw green leafy vegetables are just what the doctor ordered to decrease inflammation and return the vitality of youth.

Heart Disease, Heart Wellness and Prevention

How to Keep from Breaking Your Heart
By: Barbara H. Roberts, MD, FACC
Paperback - 250 pages, $20.00 Retail - buy at Amazon.com and save!

Gender-specific treatments for women's heart disease is written with with and wisdom by Women's Heart Foundation's own President, Dr. Barbara Roberts, Director of the Woman's Heart Center at Miriam Hospital in Rhode Island. This book is a MUST BUY for the contemporary woman.

Brain Attack, The Journey Back
By: Liz Pearl
Paperback - 270 pages, $26.00

This anthology is a unique collection of 33 original entries written by survivors and heroes about their recovery journeys from Stroke. This unique collection includes creative writing works from a wide range of individuals who have experienced a Stroke. Several family members have also contributed work.

Life-Saving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease in Women
By: Nieca Goldberg, M.D.
Paperback - 480 pages, $16.00

Provides the best step-by-step approach for women to understanding, preventing and coping with heart disease. Discusses risk factor reduction and lifestyle changes to treatments and diagnostic tests. Reader friendly and clearly subdivided into sections, making it easy to find answers to your questions.

Healthy Heart Handbook for Women
By: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Paperback - 100 pages, $3.75  

Provides an overview of heart disease in women. Emphasizes prevention strategies and risk factor reduction, including the DASH diet for lowering high blood pressure. Dry reading, but a good resource regularly updated. Click here to access pdf printable version.

Heart Sense for Women - Your Plan for Natural Prevention and Treatment
By: Stephen T. Sinatra, MD
Paperback - 100 pages, $10.00

Dr. Sinatra reveals why heart disease is the #1 killer of women and shatters the myths that keep this a hidden epidemic. He outlines a prescriptive plan for natural prevention and treatment. Recognizing early warning signs of heart attack and 15 key risks discussed. How to protect yourself and being in touch with your emotions can lower your risk. Check with your doctor before starting any new regime or supplement.

A Woman's Guide to Heart Attack Recovery
By: Harvey M. Kramer, M.D. and Charlotte Libov
Paperback - 309 pages, $16.00

More clinically-based reading. Great for the woman who wants to have in-depth knowledge of her condition and why certain tests are ordered. A good resource, sensitively written.

Take It to Heart - The Real Deal on Women and Heart Disease
By: Pamela Serure
Paperback - 110 pages, $20.00

Ms. Serure artfully describes of her bittersweet journey with heart disease and her road to recovery... a compelling account of heart women's disease and one woman's story.

Thriving with Heart Disease By: Wayne M. Sotile, Ph.D.
Paperback - 303 pages, $14.00

Offers support and in-depth advice for creating a more meaningful and productive life after being diagnosed with heart disease. Includes patients' accounts of daily life challenges and opportunities. Though not gender specific for women, it can help you reorder your priorities and focus on taking good care of yourself and nurturing positive relationships.(reviewed by womenheart)

Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease
By: Dean Ornish, M.D.
Paperback - 638 pages, $8.00

The "Opening Your Heart Program" is a research-based healthy lifestyles intervention proven angiographically to reverse coronary lesions, however, patients in the study lived in a controlled environment. As an adjunct therapy or treatment of high-risk patients who are unable to undergo more aggressive therapy, this program may be a viable option, as it is very difficult to maintain such a rigid lifestyle.

Success with Heart Failure
By: Marc Silver, M.D.
Paperback - 272 pages, $21.00

Provides a helpful and encouraging guide to anyone with congestive heart failure. Well written and descriptive, it offers helpful tips and optimism. (reviewed by womenheart)

Mindfulness and General Health

By: Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
Paperback $9.19

This thoughtful and eloquently written book is a summation of the new science of how the brain works and how we can transform our personal relationships.

When Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget
By: Marianne Legato, M.D. F.A.C.P.
Paperback $9.99

Science-based reasoning for why men and women think, hear, learn and process communication differently.

What Women Need to Know
By: Marianne Legato, M.D. F.A.C.P. and Carol Colman
Paperback $5.03

From headaches to heart disease and everything in between, everyday health questions are answered. Know about prevention, symptoms and best treatments

Why Men Die First - How to lengthen your lifespan
By: Marianne Legato, M.D. F.A.C.P.
Paperback $10.36

Looking biologically at men's risks and how this affects their risk-taking behavior is the basis for this scientifically written book - a MUST READ for every man and the woman who loves him.





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