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Child Development Checklist

modern art characterization of new mom modern art characterization of newborn modern art characterization of American Indian woman with papoos strapped to her

Some children are born with or may develop physical and / or mental conditions which delay their normal growth and development. Many of these problems can be helped or completely corrected IF parents recognize the problem EARLY and SEEK HELP.

Use the following checklist as a guide to help you know if your child could benefit from special help.


Birth to 6 Months

Birth to 3 months

Turns head side to side
Holds rattle for 5-10 seconds
Responds to speaking voice by stopping activity or change expression
Looks at face and eyes of person talking to him
Gabbles, coos when talked to

3 to 6 months

Hold head steady
Rolls from back to side
Sits supported in a high chair with back straight
Actively waves, shakes, bangs and looks at a rattle/toy
Opens hand, plays with fingers, puts hands to mouth

6 months to 12 months


6 to 9 months

Sits without support/alone
Crawls and begins to pull up to a standing position
Lifts cup
Holds arms out to be picked up
Stares, cries or frowns at strangers
Says "da-da", "ba-ba" and "ma-ma"

9 to 12 months

Makes stepping movement
Sits down from standing positions
Hold, bites and chews cracker or cookie
Responds to name
Stops activity when told "no no"
Jabbers with different voice levels
12 to 18 months
YES NO 12 to 15 months
Walks 5 or more steps without falling
Scribbles in a back and forth motion
Asks for objects by pointing
Imitates words such as "doggie," "bye-bye" and cookie
Uses fingers to feed self

15 to 18 months

Uses spoon with some spilling
Runs with the appearance of a hurried walk
Scribbles spontaneously
Looks at story books
Follow simple directtions
18 months to 2 years
Pushes and pulls large toys/objects
Jumps with both feet together
Refers to self by name, uses "I", "You", "Me" (not always correctly)
Tells toilet needs occasionally
Takes off clothes with some help
Sits in chair without help
Points to pictures in book
Speaks in two-word sentences
2 years to 3 years
YES NO 2 years to 2 1/2 years
Jumps from bottom step or low heights
Builds or stacks small blocks
Dries hands without help
Points to body parts (hair, eyes, nose, etc.)
Imitates drawing lines and circles (not always perfectly done)
YES NO 2 1/2 years to 3 years
Walks up and down stairs holding railing
Holds pencil with thumb and forefinger instead of fist
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs
Undresses completely without help
Source: The Early Learning Accomplishments Profile for Developmentally Young Children by M. Elayne, M. Ed

After completing this checklist, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's development, contact your pediatrician and / or call Project Child at 1-800-322-8174 or the Early Intervention Program nearest you.

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